Feeling right

There are days when on waking up I feel like I have won Wimbledon. Some days  I feel even walking 10 steps to the bathroom akin to running a marathon.

Why do we feel in such diverse ways to mornings that were and will always be the same. 

Unless of course you sleep on a plane and wake up each morning in different continents. Ah! The life of James Bond 

There is no answer to this. The food you eat, the people you speak to, the programs you watch, even the books you read all this play a part in the health of your sleep.

When a person sleeps the subconscious mind gets the freedom to wander about in whichever direction it pleases. Along the way it meets the stupidity and nonsense that the conscious mind creates.10 times out of 10 the subconscious is always right. The wrestling match that follows between these 2 ends up sapping a man of his energy, thus feeling tired when one awakes.

Secondly the food you consume plays a very big role. Visualize yourself eating a beef steak at 10 in the night. Your poor digestive system which is about to close shop for the day is suddenly called into duty!! Imagine you done for the day and now being asked to work for few more hours.How would you react?

Pissed is putting it mildly, you would be fuming, throwing attitude around.Our digestive system does the same. It hastily whips up all the juices it can find into one fizzy cocktail so this lard of beef  gets digested.
As with us the digestive system too gets tired, it decides to let some of the beef settle into your body as undigested fat.

Next morning your trip to the bathroom becomes like a war between nations!!

This affects the balance in your stomach making you feel sick.

Now if you add the books and programs you watch to your pre-sleeping routine, your imagination has to work which manifests in one having weird dreams.

Thoughts, food, books, television in this order play a big part is us feeling right in the morning when we wake up.

Meditating before sleeping helps calm the mind down.

Eating light and healthy food at least 3 hours before you sleep gives the digestive system enough time to recover. 

Books that one reads should be light and relaxing, not something that makes your imagination go berserk.

Television programs should ideally be avoided, but since that’s not possible one should watch something funny. These images that our eyes convey to our mind ,help in relaxing the mind, which results in sound sleep. 

Try these simple steps. Am sure you will get up feeling right


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