Fitness-A simple concept in a complicated world

Today i had a fascinating discussion on what health is with a friend.We were discussing various diets and exercise programs one knows about or has followed in the quest of good health.The one ting that was brought to my notice was that nowadays we don’t want good health..We just want to focus on weight loss
Weight loss has become a metaphor wrongly for good health and fitness..If you are walking down the road and see a very slim man/woman invariably there is a twinge in one’s heart and desire that prompts us to think wow what a fit person.Then next question that follows is man i so want to know what diet/exercise program that person is following .
We have reached this conclusion without considering the most basic fact..Just cause a person is slim doesn’t necessarily mean a person is healthy and fit.Mind you i am not advocating one should be fat and out of shape but just drawing attention to our perception of fitness and health
Being fit is a discipline and way of life that starts from the time one is born.As children we are doing all the requsite activities that are required to be fit and healthy.This happens at a natural and subconscious level.As we get older we tend to start ridiculing and looking down on the same activities that made us fit.Activities as walking,running,cycling,swimming,playing sports,training the mind with chess and board games is all but forgotten.What takes over is riding bikes/driving cars,sitting in front of television screens playing video games and then hanging out at the local coffee shop which gradually becomes the nearest watering hole.
The trivial pursuits of childhood which kept us hale and hearty are discovered later in life when we realise that physically our bodies are bloating and now we need exercise.
What do we do then?We speak to friends who give us so much misinformation.What follows is with that half baked knowledge of fitness we join the local gym.It doesn’t stop there.Then we decide dramtically that our diets need alteration so we consult a nutritionist. Nutritionists are a different breed altogether.They have a set pattern of diets protein supplements which they give clients based on age,demographics,sex etc.But what wont give is the right information about food and what it does when eaten rightly,what is the relation between food and health etc..They don’t do that as most times they don’t know .Come on with the every growing demand of clients walking in why should they bother.
Now armed with this we attack the gym and food with vengeance..what follows is hilarious and at times injurious to health..50% of the people who join the gym won’t renew their memberships for the 2nd year,most of them following this diet end up with all sorts of health related issues .Instead of rectifying the problem of getting fitter they end up with health issues which they didn’t have to start with.

This is the fitness cycle sorry unfit cycle of the average educated urban individual..All the education and exposure in the world and we still don’t know the first thing of being healthy and fit.Now tell me who is more advanced we in the cities or the farmers in villages..
U decide while i go for a jog in the park,Ponder about the money,time and health  we have wasted going to gyms/nutritionists,eating protein supplements and everything related to a simple concept.

The concept of health and fitness.Simplest thing in the world.So why u waiting.
Get fit and healthy the only way known to man..By thinking and acting the way we did as children and enjoying the pleasures of outdoor exercise and sports..


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