Health-Exclusive to Mainstream-Chapter 1

The moment you decide to become healthy, make it an integral part of your lifestyle, you become sheepish in attitude. 

Discussing good health, the fact that you are making these changes are broached about gingerly when sitting with friends or family. This cloak and dagger game is living up to the trend of how the common man views the term health.

Like discussed in my previous blog in the last 50 odd years we have started paying a premium on being healthy. Healthy way of life which is one of the most essential and basic aspect for leading a good and enriching life, now  looked upon as an underground movement for the elite and few.

Why is that?Is being healthy ,eating right, getting fitter something to be ashamed and kept under wraps? Are we doing something shady and illegal getting healthy, are we a part of a secret society that is propagating a revolution against the present order?

The organic way of life and everything associated with it is considered an elitist pursuit that only the rich and informed few can afford. Isn’t that wrong?

Organic farming or products made from the purest of ingredients have for centuries been produced for consumption for the common man. Where the system has gone wrong is the bad and ignorant governance of countries in preserving and promoting this way of life and thus the industry attached to it.

Every time one wants to buy such products the price , it burdens the household budget catastrophically . Health becomes an exclusivity of the fortunate few.Like a well made film that’s only viewed by the classes. Health becomes a multiplex and urban concept.Health clubs, gyms, consulting nutritionists and health practitioners all charge a premium. 

Again health has moved away from the mainstream.

I feel the only way we can make being healthy mainstream, is creating awareness of the benefits of being healthy.Doing the most basic things which our ancestors always knew and followed.
Simple changes like,
1)Going for a walk/jog/stretching/skipping.Learning and practicing freehand forms of exercise like yoga,pilates, etc.  
2)Learning how to cook and eat healthy food
3)Reading,researching,learning,discussing the various health benefits of food,exercise with people around.

Secondly companies associated with the health business need to become very contemporary and intresting, the way they go about marketing their products.

Instead of constantly preaching about the benefits of their products, why don’t they  become more interactive with their customer base. Don’t malign  competitors,unhealthy food.Get people involved  by asking them what they want.Then go about manufacturing those products .Use funny and humorous methods to propagate the message.

The business of exercise should focus on health improvement and not on cosmetic concepts like Size Zero,Six Pack ..They should merge the traditional with modern thus make exercising a joyous pursuit for the individual

The most important aspect that health gurus don’t focus on is that exercise and diet is individual specific .They conveniently preach a generalized plan to all and sundry.

There are of course exceptions to this rule.

This blatant generalization gives a contorted and a mass assembly line view of health. This leads to misinformation, disinterest and eventual dejection. This once again makes the subject of health very elusive.
Health is and will  always be main stream, it never was,never will be the bastion of the few.
This is a subject which I will discuss further with specific examples in regard to. 

How we can bring about a change in creating awareness so the joys and wonders of good health are enjoyed by everyone that inhabits this planet.

Please give me suggestions/feedback on what you think .Only  discussion and debate can lead to positive change .

Lets make health mainstream.

Passion and love for good health the motto.

Lets do it now.


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